Every year the InXpress UK franchise network holds a convention to bring together all our partners, but this year was really something special: we met in Malaga, Spain! Generally speaking, there’s nothing quite like a room full of logistics experts throwing around ideas – it’s a lot more dynamic than you might think if you’re not in the industry yourself yet!! – but this year’s convention was arguably one of most interesting and unique meetups yet.
It was a great opportunity for us all to catch-up with old friends, and properly welcome all the new faces who have joined us since we last met. Not only were we so happy to finally see each other in person again after the pandemic had kept us apart for so long, but there was a real sense of excitement about everything InXpress has collectively achieved over the last couple of years.
Especially when Neil Hatt, owner of InXpress Birmingham South & South Cotswolds, roared into the hotel car park on his Harley 48, having ridden 3,000 miles through 3 countries over 9 days! An incredible journey! But, by avoiding crowds, delays, and queues, we also like to think it was a very InXpress way of doing things! “The InXpress convention is a highlight of my working year," Neil says. "To ride to it, this year, really was the icing on the cake. It’s wonderful that even after 16 years of running my first franchise, I’m excited enough to start another. I love being part of InXpress and can enjoy opportunities like this – a 3000 mile ride to the sun and back.”
Of course, conventions like this are about a lot more than just having fun in the sun, though we have to admit this is a huge draw! They’re about solidifying the network as one cohesive entity. InXpress franchisees may very much be their own bosses, but being part of a wider community of like-minded business owners is one of the biggest advantages of joining a large, established franchise like ours.
An InXpress franchise offers you the best of both worlds: all the independence of running your own business, whilst knowing you don’t have to go it alone. Our franchisees know they can count on us and one another, for help and guidance whenever it’s needed. This is one of the key reasons why the brand has continued to be so successful during the recent difficult years of the pandemic.
The Malaga convention is just one example of how we like to invest in our franchisees to help them make the most of their businesses. It’s a fantastic opportunity for the franchisee to share ideas and best practice, and even work together to overcome challenges. It’s this kind of collaborative problem solving which sets us apart, not just as a global logistics company, but as a franchise too.
Which is why we also like to take this opportunity to shine a spotlight on those of our partners who have performed exceptionally well over the last year, or have distinguished themselves by going above and beyond customer expectations. Our awards ceremony is an important aspect of how we give our franchisees the opportunity to do their best, and be recognised for it. It also helps to show everyone what they can achieve and aspire towards, with an InXpress franchise. More on that soon!
We also welcomed a number of really top-notch keynote speakers, such as renowned motivational speaker and business mentor, Brad Burton. His famous inspirational quotes include “Change your thinking, you’ll change your life.” and “Buy the Lurpak!” (ok, you really had to be there for that one, but well worth checking out what he means!). Less butter-related, but just as inspirational, customer experience guru, Linda Moir, shared some of her trademark expertise with thought-provoking and engaging insights. We were also joined by Anthony Stears, the renowned “Telephone Assassin”, who gave us a thorough grounding in sales techniques, so we can make the most understanding our customers’ experiences.
Liz Murray, from InXpress in Coventry, really summed up how we all felt by the end of the event. “This year's InXpress UK Convention was one of the most memorable yet. The nuggets of information that were new and those worthy of being reminded about, turned into pages of inspiration I've already shared with my team. It's hard to imagine anyone returned to their franchise without renewed energy and ideas. The vision for the new InXpress is an exciting next chapter with pioneering changes and challenging targets.”
Whether it’s sunny days in Spain celebrating your achievements, or a rainy day in Britain putting in all the hard work, the InXpress franchise is 100% dedicated to helping all its partners fulfil their potential and exceed even their own expectations. Isn’t it time you were a part of it?
Riding into every meeting on a Harley isn’t required, but who knows what you could achieve with your own InXpress franchise? Maybe you could be the one turning heads in 2023!